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Local Non-GMO Produce
The Howe Family has been in the fresh produce business over 30 years and built the largest farmstand on the southern side of Lake Winnipesaukee; Beans & Greens Farm. Now sold under the Timber Hill Farm name, our produce can be found at local farmstands, restaraunts and stores, always picked fresh daily. Our wholesale summer produce program takes us throughout the state - and our food is most conveniently found in central NH Hannaford Supermarkets.
We run a minimally invasive horticulture program and start most of our early season crops in greenhouses, before transplanting outside when New England decides to warm her soils for summer. Included in our transplanting are many acres of sweet corn, our most bountiful staple crop and a Lakes Region favorite from July into early fall.
We use as many natural fertilizers as possible (farm compost, wood ash, manure, turned rye), as well as biodegradable plastics in our raised beds. All our crops are raised in their natural environments with as few herbicides and pesticides as possible. We only use these when absolutely necessary (specifically on corn), as the crops would not survive without them.